Living in gratitude

For wellness this week, I’m continuing with meditation to control my thoughts and keep it in the present and positive. Basically, I’m practicing mindfulness. This is for the The Science of Well-being course I’ve been taking for the past couple months. Last week was difficult. I was faced with issues in my environment that made …

Life is right now

Some thoughts on being present, meditation and mind control for wellness, particularly in difficult circumstances. This week I started another wellness challenge based on The Science of Well-being course I’ve been taking. Except it’s not a new challenge. We’re at a point in the course where all the lessons are complete and we’re now in …

Measure of success

How can we determine if we’re succeeding in life, and with all the things we are attempting? I’m still thinking about my focus word for the year – Flourish. What I’ve learned so far is that God wants me to thrive in response to His word and ultimately for His glory. Now I get that …

On meditation and expressing gratitude

The challenges from last week went very well! That’s especially true for the sleep challenge. I’m in much better moods lately because of the improvements to my quality of sleep. And now, onto this week. I’m tackling another two wellness challenges based on The Science of Well-being course. The first habit is practicing meditation. The …

How to flourish

My focus word for the year is Flourish. My understanding, so far, of what that means is that it involves being a student of God’s word and living by it. I wanted to have a more well-rounded understanding of what it means to truly thrive so I spent all of January looking into that some …