word nerd meditate

Meditate and Delight

This month, I’m reading and journaling through Illustrated Faith‘s devotional kit for September – Word Nerd 2020.

This devotional has four sessions, each with a focus word and prompts to complete a word study. The first session is on the word Meditate which means to think very deeply or carefully about something. I focused on Psalm 119:15 because it coincided with my own quiet time reading for that day.

I rejoice in the way revealed by your decrees as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts and think about your ways.
I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.

Psalm 119:14-16

Looking at the verses surrounding verse 15, I concluded that, not only are we told to meditate on God’s word but also to delight in it. It’s more than a task, it’s a joy!

This was convicting because when I saw that my reading for the day, as part of my Read the Bible in a Year plan, was the entire Psalm 119, I was less than enthused. That’s because I had something very exciting that I wanted to do that day. But I read it carefully and took note of the instructions we’re given regarding God’s word: keep, seek, learn, treasure, mediate on, delight in, remember, contemplate, understand, cling to, pursue, follow, obey, trust in, study, speak of, love, rely on, hope in.

And the result: abundant peace, life, wisdom, understanding.

Also, the description of God’s word: trustworthy, pure, forever, lighting the way, righteous forever.

I came to faith in Christ in my early Thirties. For the first few years, I was unable to read the bible. That’s mostly because I didn’t fully believe it. I was okay with most of the New Testament but I really struggled with the Old Testament. God graciously showed me my unbelief and helped me to overcome that, thankfully. He told me that I had no idea what the bible is or about, or who He is. Then He invited me to start reading the book of John.

Being completely new to bible study, I focused on just one passage at a time. I would spend at least a week studying that passage because there was just so much to learn. The entire book of John took me about two years to finish! It was an amazing time of fellowship with God. But I really struggled with impatience during that time. I wanted to move on quickly and just know all that the bible had to say.

I just think it’s so amazing that our God provided this book for us. So that we would come to know Him better. Know what He’s done, what He’s doing now, and what is to come, so that we would know how to live.

While I’m reading through the entire bible this year, my focus is just on beholding Him. To understand who He is, His character, and to grow in relationship with Him through that. However, a few months ago, He put the word Study on my heart. So, I think next year, I’ll be doing a more in-depth reading of His word.

I’m so thankful for this reminder to meditate on and delight in his word so that I don’t become impatient like I did before, or focus on knowledge only. I also don’t want it to become a to-do item which is a tendency I have as a planner.

So, I pray that God would create in me a heart that will delight in His word. And that He will slow me down to linger.

How do you meditate on and delight in God’s word?


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