Hello and welcome to a life at rest – an ode to restful and joyful living. I am so glad you’re here!

what is “a life at rest”?

Your first thought might be that this is something that would be said about someone who has died? They have finished working and living life, and have now entered sleep. I’ve heard it said before that “I’ll rest when I’m dead”, so this is an understandable thought.

Perhaps then, a restful life is one of relaxation, slothfulness, or frivolity. If you’re a parent, like me, you may be thinking “how is this even possible without an army of maids? Don’t you know all the things I need to do on any given day?” I see you; I have been there.

The idea behind a restful life is actually very simple, though not easy for us who are accustomed to a culture of “do all the things”, “get ahead”, and “hustle”. Rest isn’t something that is celebrated and is often looked upon as laziness. We typically rest to recover. We rest when we get burnt out. But that isn’t the abundant life we’re called to and it takes intentionality to live counter-culturally.

So, then, what is a restful life?

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30
Restful living is following after Jesus Christ – our Shepherd and leader. It is doing His will, while being reliant on the strength He provides, and doing so for His glory.

I don’t do this naturally – I am very conscientious by nature. My diligence and idealism has led to a life of intense stress. So, I don’t write this as someone who does this well, but as someone who is learning to and reaching for the joy it yields. Will you follow along and join me in taking one step today towards cultivating a restful life?

about me

Hello! My name is Sherry-Ann Luna, and I am the voice and writer behind this personal blog.

I am a follower of Christ, an introvert, a Caribbean-born island gal living in Ontario, Canada. I am also a wife (married to my high school prom date) and a homeschooling mom of three (two of which are elementary school-aged, and one teenager). Motherhood and marriage have been the biggest challenges of my life, but it is through them that God has transformed my heart to joy. This is often the context from which I write.

I write about faith (a lot) using creative journaling. I also write about wellness; both physical and emotional.

I started this blog in 2019, took it all down a couple years later and then resurrected it anew in 2024. What can I say? I’m a reluctant writer.

My purpose in writing is to share what God is teaching me on this journey of life in the hope that it will be of some encouragement to you. I also write for myself; so that I remember.

connect with me

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Restful living is following after Jesus, doing His will by His strength and for His glory; with joy

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