• Dwell and delight, beloved

    Dwell and delight, beloved

    Well, it’s another year and time again to pick another focus word. I’ve been choosing a “one little word” each year since 2019 when I came across the concept online.…

  • No more bad days

    No more bad days

    What makes a good day “good” and a bad day “bad”? For me, a “good” day used to be when I wake up feeling great, I get all my tasks…

  • How to have peace of mind and heart

    How to have peace of mind and heart

    I’ve never considered myself to be a worrier. After all, worry, to me at least, meant to be concerned about the future and I’ve always found that to be a…

  • What satisfies

    What satisfies

    I had some downtime one day, so I decided to just relax for a bit. I retreated to my favourite chair in the living room, sank down into its cushiness,…

  • Be diligent in prayer

    Be diligent in prayer

    My mind has been on the topic of prayer a lot this year. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ…

  • A focused faith

    A focused faith

    I’ve always wanted to wear glasses. I just love the look of them; like jewelry for the face. Sadly (I say that lightly), I had great eyesight. That is, until…