Joy is the outcome of a life that is live in surrender God, His word, and His will.

It is a delight that comes from the goodness that God brings into our lives. As such, joy is a testimony to His faithfulness in our lives.

Living with joy is possible in every situation, we just need to adjust our perspective, and that takes time and practice. See the opportunities that you’re presented with to experience, grow in, and share joy.

  • No more bad days

    No more bad days

    What makes a good day “good” and a bad day “bad”? For me, a “good” day used to be when I wake up feeling great, I get all my tasks…

  • Living in gratitude

    Living in gratitude

    For wellness this week, I’m continuing with meditation to control my thoughts and keep it in the present and positive. Basically, I’m practicing mindfulness. This is for the The Science…

  • On meditation and expressing gratitude

    On meditation and expressing gratitude

    The challenges from last week went very well! That’s especially true for the sleep challenge. I’m in much better moods lately because of the improvements to my quality of sleep.…

  • Wellness challenges to cultivate joy

    Wellness challenges to cultivate joy

    I have been on a wellness journey since early 2018. Back then, I was feeling very stressed, and unwell physically and emotionally. Our family of five had moved quite suddenly…

  • Overwhelmed but present

    Overwhelmed but present

    I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed for the past few weeks. Maybe even longer than that. I have a lot of items on my to-do list and I feel like I…

  • Intentional about rest

    Intentional about rest

    I can’t believe it’s already December and the year is coming to an end! But, new month means a new wellness challenge. Before I get into all that, let’s go…