God’s word tells us many times to not worry, to not be anxious, because He knows the broken world in which we reside. He knows what we will face and have to endure. But, He also tells us why it’s important that we do this – to safeguard our hearts and minds. And, thankfully, He also tells us how we can do this.
Dwell and delight, beloved
Well, it’s another year and time again to pick another focus word. I’ve been choosing a “one little word” each year since 2019 when I came across the concept online.…
No more bad days
What makes a good day “good” and a bad day “bad”? For me, a “good” day used to be when I wake up feeling great, I get all my tasks…
How to have peace of mind and heart
I’ve never considered myself to be much of a worrier. After all, worry, to me at least, meant to be concerned about the future and I’ve always found that to…
Seasons of change
It’s that time of year again. Fall – my favourite season. The mornings are misty and mysterious. The air has a chill to it now, inviting comfy layers and cozy…
Thriving in chaos
That is exactly what I’ve been trying to do the last couple months. Our family moved at the beginning of July. We moved about an hour away from the city…
Overthinking and unmotivated
The first quarter of the year is always a much busier time for our family. By the end of April, I’m usually drained and feeling a bit burnt out. This…