
Gratitude and Contentment

Hello November! It’s a new month and that means a new wellness challenge.

My challenge last month was to knit every day. I did that successfully and enjoyed working on my projects a little bit each evening before heading to bed.

My challenge for November is gratitude, specifically focused on home. I know, I usually practice gratitude in this journal daily already. However, this month, I really want to up my game.

I mentioned last week that there are some areas in my life that I’m not all that content about. They have become a source of emotional stress for me because they’re ongoing long-term and I don’t see an end in sight.

One of them is the home that our family is currently living in. It’s a temporary home. We were supposed to be here only a year before moving to a more permanent home of our own. However, we’ve been here almost three years and possibly will be here even longer than that.

I’m thankful that we even have a home to live in. I don’t want to take that for granted. And, the place we’re living in has a lot of positives. However, it’s just not home and that’s hard for me. I’m very much a homebody. I’m also home most of the time, especially as we’re homeschooling. As a highly sensitive introvert, the environment I’m in affects my wellbeing, and I’ve found it difficult here to recharge.

With that being said, our living situation is what it is right now. So, I’m choosing to turn to gratitude to foster a better attitude while we’re here. Each day, I’ll be writing one thing about this place that I’m grateful for. I’m also combining this with prayer, because contentment isn’t something I can accomplish by my own strength.

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself. I know how to make do with little, and I know how to make do with a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:11-13

I don’t want to lose my focus in the time we’ll be here. Life is happening in the wait. I want to look back on this time and see that our family made good memories and were happy overall. This is possible regardless of our circumstances. It really is a choice we have to make about how we live this life.

How can you live fully and thrive, right now, in your “less than ideal” circumstances?


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