
Green Soup

Zucchini Broccoli Pea Soup, affectionately known as “green soup” (so imaginative, I know), is a favourite in our house. It’s perfect for the spring season but we enjoy it all year round. It makes a delicious lunch or light dinner, is very simple to make, and also my favourite colour to boot. As I’ve shared …


He did it anyway

What a fitting time it is, in this Easter season, to reflect on the hope we have in Christ! I journaled these pages using some ephemera from the March Illustrated Faith devotional kit called Joyful Obedience. I paired that with the recently released Hope Is Here mini devotional set by Kristina Proffitt, for Illustrated Faith’s Print & …


Preparing Hearts

Here is another monthly recap of my reflections for Illustrated Faith’s February devotional called Preparing Hearts. I recently shared my reflections from January’s devotional – All Things Beautiful – in a previous post. These are the same reflections I share on Instagram, sometimes with a bit more detail. I’ve been faith journaling using devotional kits …

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Chapter 2

And so, I begin again. I first started blogging in 2019. I had a website called Hey Sister through which I shared what God was teaching me with the hope of encouraging someone else. After lots of ups, downs, and general struggle to keep it going, I was led to step away for a season …

hey sister logo

The end of this chapter

The last few months have been very challenging and I’ve found it difficult to write. After praying about the future of Hey Sister, I’ve decided it’s time to bring this chapter to a close. This blog and the YouTube channel will be taken down soon, but you can continue to find me on Instagram. As …