
Green Soup

Zucchini Broccoli Pea Soup, affectionately known as “green soup” (so imaginative, I know), is a favourite in our house. It’s perfect for the spring season but we enjoy it all year round. It makes a delicious lunch or light dinner, is very simple to make, and also my favourite colour to boot. As I’ve shared …


He did it anyway

What a fitting time it is, in this Easter season, to reflect on the hope we have in Christ! I journaled these pages using some ephemera from the March Illustrated Faith devotional kit called Joyful Obedience. I paired that with the recently released Hope Is Here mini devotional set by Kristina Proffitt, for Illustrated Faith’s Print & …


Preparing Hearts

Here is another monthly recap of my reflections for Illustrated Faith’s February devotional called Preparing Hearts. I recently shared my reflections from January’s devotional – All Things Beautiful – in a previous post. These are the same reflections I share on Instagram, sometimes with a bit more detail. I’ve been faith journaling using devotional kits …

desk scene of hands typing at a keyboard

Chapter 2

And so, I begin again. I first started blogging in 2019. I had a website called Hey Sister through which I shared what God was teaching me with the hope of encouraging someone else. After lots of ups, downs, and general struggle to keep it going, I was led to step away for a season …