Zucchini Broccoli Pea Soup, affectionately known as “green soup” (so imaginative, I know), is a favourite in our house. It’s perfect for the spring season but we enjoy it all year round. It makes a delicious lunch or light dinner, is very simple to make, and also my favourite colour to boot. As I’ve shared …
Physical wellness challenge 06: nutritional deficiencies
I’ve been looking for a new doctor since we moved in July and I’m so glad I finally found one! She’s very thorough and started off with a physical, in November, to get a baseline for my health. There were some good news and some not great news which sparked this month’s challenge. My 18-month …
Physical wellness goals and history
As I mentioned last time, in my wellness plan, July is the first month of the 18-month journey I’m undertaking to restore my physical health. I’ll be working on monthly challenges to create healthy habits that will lead to a healthy lifestyle. The challenge for July was to drink more water. But before I write …