Joyful Obedience

Here is a recap of my journaling through Illustrated Faith’s devotional for the month of March called Joyful Obedience. It’s been a while since I shared a monthly faith journaling recap! These recaps are a collection of the same reflections that I share on Instagram, but sometimes with a bit more detail. Last time, I …

Amen prayers

This is my last post in the Word Nerd series using Illustrated Faith’s devotional kit. The devotionals in this kit encouraged us to meditate on and remember the promises of God. Remembering them renews us and helps us to endure. Following these sessions was a blank page to study a word of our choice. I …

desk scene of hands typing at a keyboard

Just do it!

First post and I have no idea what to write. Well, actually I do; I have several ideas drafted but can’t for the life of me complete a thought. See, I’ve been trying to launch this blog since September of last year. And, the idea to blog came to me several months before that. When …