It’s that time of year again. Fall – my favourite season. The mornings are misty and mysterious. The air has a chill to it now, inviting comfy layers and cozy drinks. The leaves are changing colour; painting a landscape that makes me stop to marvel. I just love this time of year! Yet, at the …
New year, purposeful goals
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your year is off to a great start. Towards the end of December, I mentioned that I was feeling very overwhelmed. I had made a lot of major decisions in the Fall about the kind of life I want to live, but I had …
God’s plans are for good
It is so satisfying to look at my daily to-do list and see all the items checked off! I feel so productive, so put-together, and like all is right with the world. However, when the list is mostly unchecked at the end of the day then I feel the opposite – life is chaotic, nothing …
Overwhelmed but present
I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed for the past few weeks. Maybe even longer than that. I have a lot of items on my to-do list and I feel like I just can’t get a good grasp on many of them. I’m doing a lot of things but I’m not doing them well, or as well …
When life doesn’t seem all that sweet
The Fall always brings major change in my life. I was born in the fall. Two of my kids were also born in the Fall. I’ve moved several times, again, in the Fall. The past few weeks have been very overwhelming with lots of new things happening so I’m just not ready for anything more. …