desk scene of hands typing at a keyboard

Chapter 2

And so, I begin again. I first started blogging in 2019. I had a website called Hey Sister through which I shared what God was teaching me with the hope of encouraging someone else. After lots of ups, downs, and general struggle to keep it going, I was led to step away for a season …

Seasons of change

It’s that time of year again. Fall – my favourite season. The mornings are misty and mysterious. The air has a chill to it now, inviting comfy layers and cozy drinks. The leaves are changing colour; painting a landscape that makes me stop to marvel. I just love this time of year! Yet, at the …

love what must be done

Learn to love what must be done

I’ve been on a break from Instagram since mid-June. Social Media and I just keep getting into spats. I know it has pros, but I find it so very noisy! It’s a poor match for my INFJ personality. I deleted my personal Facebook account over two years ago now and really haven’t missed it at …

desk scene of hands typing at a keyboard

Just do it!

First post and I have no idea what to write. Well, actually I do. I have several ideas drafted but can’t for the life of me complete a thought. See, I’ve been trying to launch this blog since September of last year. And, the idea to blog came to me several months before that. When …