
The time is short

How long do you think you have to do what God has called you to?

I took a rest from sharing on social media this past June and into July. It was a very much needed rest because the previous months were very active and busy, and then homeschooling was unexpectedly stressful.

One of the most important lessons I learned during that rest is the importance of spending time being still to listen. To quiet the noise in my often noisy mind and life to just hear from God. In that listening was this reminder that the time is very short indeed.

I was led to a teaching on the book of Revelations called End Times that was so enlightening. It lit a fire in my heart and I highly recommend it! It’s available on RightNow Media (available through your local church) and it’s by Stephen Armstrong of Verse By Verse Ministry International. If you do not have access to RightNow Media, the entire exposition of Revelations, of which the teaching is a summary, is freely available through the VBVMI app.

There are many different teachings on Revelations. Some do not teach it as prophecy but as a pattern that God shows – His people turn away from Him, new empires rise up and enslave them, they cry out to Him in their need and He sends deliverance. This cycle continues and then at some point, God will put an end to the cycle and remake the Heavens and Earth to what it was intended.

This series, however, teaches that there is prophecy in Revelations and I found it very interesting the assertion that we are the last church and therefore currently living in the end times; the final leg in the age of the Gentiles.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalm‬ ‭90‬:‭12

Even if you don’t believe that the return of our Saviour is imminent, what if we lived like it as scripture instructs in Matthew 24? The fact remains that none of us know how much time we have, how long we have, in this life to do what He’s called us to. We also don’t know how long we’ll have with our people – the ones given into our care, the ones we’re sent to.

If you knew there were only 30 days left, how would you live it differently? May we seek to live them fully by seeking and doing His will above our own.


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