I started a wellness journey in 2018 after hitting a low and realizing I needed to be more intentional about caring for myself. Since then, I’ve learned how to manage my emotional wellness and have grown spiritually in the process.

In July of 2021, I switched my focus to the physical component of wellness and started an 18-month journey to improve my health. This consists of monthly challenges designed to create healthy habits which will lead to a healthy lifestyle. This journey is still ongoing as there have been several roadblocks along the way, and I’ve taken a pause from writing about it.

In the first two posts below, I share the approach I’m taking, the plan for documenting the journey, my goals, and a bit of health history to put it all into perspective. The posts following those are the actual monthly challenges.

  • Physical wellness challenge 05: gut health

    Following the cleanse challenge in the previous month, it seemed only natural to focus on gut health next. My 18-month journey to better physical health continued with another challenge in November. I’m working on monthly challenges to create healthy habits that will lead to a healthy lifestyle ** I think it’s common knowledge that the…

  • Physical wellness challenge 06: nutritional deficiencies

    I’ve been looking for a new doctor since we moved in July and I’m so glad I finally found one! She’s very thorough and started off with a physical, in November, to get a baseline for my health. There were some good news and some not great news which sparked this month’s challenge. My 18-month…