plan a happy life

A prescription for happiness

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was anticipating a challenging week. Well, it was that indeed!

There were migraines. Sleep issues. Extreme fatigue and more. The worst of it was that I accidentally spilled water on my laptop and it fried. Thankfully, my files were recovered, but it’s taken a while to get back up and running.

Today, during my bible reading time, I came across some verses about being “happy”. I should mention that I’m currently reading the CSB version which uses the word “happy” but other versions, like the ESV, use the word “blessed”. I wouldn’t normally equate those two words so I’m glad I was reading the CSB otherwise I probably would not have picked up on this.

How happy are those who reside in your house, who praise you continually.
Happy are the people whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
Happy is the person who trusts in you.

Psalm 84

I take a lot of comfort from this biblical prescription for Happiness because I think it leads to a lasting joy and peace. Regardless of what comes my way, whether good times or hard times, my happiness is more than a feeling.

My practical takeaways from these verses are to…

1.. abide in Christ and grow in my relationship with Him.

2.. practice gratitude, always giving thanks.

3.. rely on God and do everything by His strength and not my own. Being at home with kids, I have had to learn this many times over.

4.. remember that this world is not our home, and live like it.

5.. trust in God. It’s easy to say that I trust in Him but He keeps showing me that I don’t always live like I do. I am very much a planner!

I hope this encourages you.


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