sweet life

When life doesn’t seem all that sweet

The Fall always brings major change in my life. I was born in the fall. Two of my kids were also born in the Fall. I’ve moved several times, again, in the Fall. The past few weeks have been very overwhelming with lots of new things happening so I’m just not ready for anything more.

It’s been a busy week so far. We’ve been preparing for the kids starting school next week. For the past four years, we’ve homeschooled our kids. But, as our youngest is now four years old, we decided to enrol them in public school to start this September. But, then Covid happened.

With there being so much unknown with that, we opted to do online learning instead of in-person classes. As we were already homeschooling, this isn’t a big change for us. However, it’s still very challenging for me as an introvert to be at home with kids all the time. What makes it even more challenging now is that my youngest has been consistently waking at night for the past few weeks. He’s never been a great sleeper, so this isn’t a new challenge, to be honest.

It’s times like these that I’m prone to complain. It’s when it becomes difficult to see that being home with my kids is actually a blessing. It’s when I forget. I think that’s part of the reason why God’s word tells us many, many, times to remember. Remember Him. Remember His character. Remember what He has done. And when we remember, the only response is to give Him praise.

When I look to God instead of at my circumstances, I remember His goodness and His faithfulness.

I’ve already endured times like these and He has sustained me; I know He’ll do it again. I know that I can call on Him and He will answer. When I acknowledge my weaknesses, my challenges, He steps in and fills me with His power to accomplish the task he’s given me. So, I give thanks, for this sweet, sweet life, and I remember that He is with me. I’m not doing this life on my own.

Whatever challenge you’re currently facing, I encourage you to remember Him.


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