desk scene of hands typing at a keyboard

Chapter 2

And so, I begin again.

I first started blogging in 2019. I had a website called Hey Sister through which I shared what God was teaching me with the hope of encouraging someone else. After lots of ups, downs, and general struggle to keep it going, I was led to step away for a season to focus on other tasks.

I chose to start this new blog because Hey Sister is no longer reflective of the person I am now. God has grown me incredibly in the last few years and instilled within me the confidence and insight required to return to writing publicly. I am still here to share what I’m learning and hoping it will encourage someone else. However, this time I will take the long view. This time I will take a slow, gentle and restful pace. This time I will be faithful to follow His lead.

I decided to keep most of the content from that blog because it all gives testament to God’s faithfulness. I’ve edited them just to remove references to the previous website, update links, etc. and to be in line with this new blog’s focus of restful living. It was quite humbling for me to read them as I edited and see the overarching lesson He was teaching me all this time about abiding in Him.

Welcome to A Life At Rest where I write about how I’m living from rest. That is, following after Christ, doing His will, by His strength and for His glory. I will primarily write about faith, family and wellness. I hope you will stick around.


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