Joy is the outcome of a life that is live in surrender God, His word, and His will.
It is a delight that comes from the goodness that God brings into our lives. As such, joy is a testimony to His faithfulness in our lives.
Living with joy is possible in every situation, we just need to adjust our perspective, and that takes time and practice. See the opportunities that you’re presented with to experience, grow in, and share joy.
Living a Fruitful Life, Part 1
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to an abundant and fruitful life. What does it mean to lead a fruitful life and how is that accomplished? Over the…
Joyful Obedience
Here is a recap of my journaling through Illustrated Faith’s devotional for the month of March called Joyful Obedience. It’s been a while since I shared a monthly faith journaling…
The Joy in Restoration
We had our house repainted, along with minor repairs, recently and I couldn’t help but think about the work of restoration that our God is doing and the resulting joy.…
All Things Beautiful
If you’re following me over on Instagram, then you know that I’ve been journaling through the monthly devotional kits by Illustrated Faith for a number of years now. The one…
Dwell and delight, beloved
Well, it’s another year and time again to pick another focus word. I’ve been choosing a “one little word” each year since 2019 when I came across the concept online.…