bible journaling page about blooming in grace

Bloom in grace

Did you pick a focus word for 2020? Last year my one little word was actually a phrase – Rise and Shine!

It was my first year selecting a “One Little Word” and I really liked having a focus to frame all I did that year. So, of course, I planned to choose another word this year. Back in the Fall of last year, God put the word Grace on my heart. I’m so thankful for this particular focus because, as a wife and mother, I’m challenged to show grace daily and could definitely grow in that area!

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.

2 Peter 3:18 ESV

I was satisfied with the word but it felt like only part of the puzzle. So, when I saw this quiz DaySpring created, I was quick to try it out; even if just out of curiosity to see what I would get. The word I got was Bloom. I put the two together to form “Bloom in Grace”. I think I prefer having a phrase instead of just a single word; it seems to have more direction.

I took to my journaling bible to document my 2020 word. The lord led me to this verse in 1 Peter.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

1 Peter 5:10 ESV

Seems fitting with my journey thus far.

Blooming in Grace is not about what I will be doing but what He will be doing. It is more about me just living fully in my season while surrendering fully to his pruning, ultimately for His glory.

I’ve updated the blog to use my full first name – Sherry-Ann. For years, I went by Sherry because it was easier to spell and pronounce. But, I discovered last year that “ann” means “full of grace”. Names have meaning; it’s time for me to embrace mine!

If you don’t have a focus word yet, I encourage you to take a prayerful approach in selecting one. But also give DaySpring quiz a try!


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