less hustle more Jesus book
Faith Life

Less hustle, more Jesus

What sermon is my life preaching?

That’s something I have to pause often to consider and re-evaluate through different seasons. It’s especially important because I have little disciples in my care who are watching and learning.

This past November, I finished working through a creative devotional journal by Shanna Noel called 100 Days of Less Hustle, More Jesus. I, along with others in the bible journaling community on Instagram, posted our pages and shared our thoughts each day.

I was initially drawn more to the creative aspect of this endeavour as well as to participate in community. However, those few months spent reflecting on what it means to live a life of rest in Him were exactly what I needed in that season.

Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:29-30 The Message (MSG)

I experience a significant amount of stress on a daily basis. Being at home with three younger children is a challenge because I am introverted. I also learned recently that I am a Highly Sensitive person. This means that I get stressed very easily from too much stimuli. Add a night of poor sleep to that and it’s a recipe for a rough week of feeling depressed and irritable. On particularly rough days, I contemplate sending the kids off to school, the littlest one off to daycare, and return to the office. But then I remember how much more stressful that was and why He led me to this life instead.

My life is not particularly busy, at least not usually. I’m not on the go here and there, nor am I a busy bee running around our home doing one task after another. However, there are those insane days when a child is sick or there are unexpected appointments, etc. that can make a day feel busy. My takeaway from the devotional journal is that even on those non-busy days, I can still be hustling, at a heart level, because I’m not being led through them. My thoughts are all over the place and my mind is not at peace. I go to bed stressed and wake up tired.

He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms;
he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young

Isaiah 40:11 ESV

Jesus said in John 10:11-18 that He is the Good Shepherd. He knows us and leads us. We know His voice and follow. Several times in the New Testament, Jesus calls His disciples by saying “Come. Follow me.” Are we following?

True rest comes from living a life of worship. One that wakes each day, filled with gratitude for another day of life walking with Him, and saying sincerely “Lead me, Lord”.

Whatever resolutions you’ve made for the new year, I encourage you to make the top one to draw near to our God. He wants to be in relationship with us; He will draw near to you.

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