What sermon is my life preaching? That’s something I have to pause often to consider and re-evaluate through different seasons. It’s especially important because I have little disciples in my care who are watching and learning. This past November, I finished working through a creative devotional journal by Shanna Noel called 100 Days of Less …
Loving one another well
Each month, for bible study, I like to focus on a specific topic and read what scripture says about it. For September, I went through a devotional scripture card set by Illustrated Faith called The One Anothers. It’s about loving others the way that Christ loves us. Here are few points that really resonated with …
Friendship without fear
I am so awkward in friendships. Thank God for the few good friends He’s blessed me with who have stayed through the years and endured my quirkiness! It’s probably because of childhood experiences that I tend to expect the worse from new friends. I am inept at reading in between the lines. Living in Canada …