
Dream your heart out

“For I know the plans I have for you” — this is the Lord’s declaration — “plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11

In January 2020, I started reading through a devotional journal called 100 Days to Dream Your Heart Out. It’s by Katy Fults and published by DaySpring.

I love these 100 days journals! The year before, I read through 100 Days of Less Hustle, More Jesus by Shanna Noel and shared what I learned here. I enjoy reading devotionals in general because they’re so encouraging. As an encourager myself, I’m prone to discouragement so I appreciate getting a pep talk of sorts each day. Of course, this is in addition to my regular bible study time.

This devotional in particular talks about the dreams God puts on our hearts. It encourages us to identify and embrace them, to pursue these dreams hand-in-hand with God. To persevere when disappointments and failures arise, and learn to trust Him in the process of fulfilling those dreams. Each day of the journal has a brief devotional, several scripture verses, a short prayer, and room to journal.

On Day 1 of this journal, I had to do a bit more digging because I wasn’t completely sure about this idea of chasing after dreams. I certainly had dreams and they were big and scary. Were they of my own selfish making or actually God’s? I wondered if God was leading me in them, or if they were distractions from my responsibilities at home with my family. Here’s what I learned.

A God-given dream:

  1. glorifies God, not self
  2. benefits (does not exploit) others
  3. does not contradict His Word
  4. uses God-given gifts, abilities, passions
  5. is God-sized; requiring His help to accomplish
  6. does not require abandoning responsibilities God has already give
  7. expresses our love for God

I don’t remember the source(s) for this, but found it very helpful in trusting and surrendering to the dreams God placed on my heart. I eventually stepped out in faith and launched the Etsy Shop as well as started a YouTube channel. Both have been so much fun, but also challenging and He’s grown me in the process. There were many failures (aka learning experiences) and I wanted to quit so many times. If you’re in a similar place right now, let me encourage you with the reminder that not only is He right there with you now, but He’s also gone ahead and prepared the work. How great is He!

The BEST dream

I also had other dreams; for an improved marriage, a home of our own and a career that helps families. However, by the time I got to Day 28, they all paled in comparison to a new dream – to be completely content in Him alone; to say that He is all that I need or want.

So, I left those dreams at His feet and simply focused on growing in relationship with Him. Later that year, He fulfilled my dream for a marriage that honours Him. I’m still waiting for the home but I know it’s coming soon. And the career? I have no idea what that’s about and it’s probably way down the line.

Some tips for working through a 100 Days journal.

Keep it simple. My creative approach with this journal was to keep it very simple because it’s already so decorative. Most days, it was just prayer journaling in pen only. Other days, I used printables, highlighters and stamps, along with writing my takeaways or the lyrics of a song on my heart.

Take your time. I did not complete the journal in 100 days. Some days I just couldn’t get to it, or I was too busy with other creative outlets. However, whenever I felt drawn to it again, that day’s devotional had the exact message I needed to hear. It’s that time with God that matters.

Have a plan. This may seem contrary to the creative process, and the previous point, but I was able to finish the Less Hustle, More Jesus journal in 100 days because I had a plan. I knew exactly what to do creatively and so I had my materials prepared and on hand. I also journaled in the mornings when my brain was most alert. Once I made the commitment to finish this journal, I created a similar plan and made it a priority for each morning until completion.

What dreams is He growing in you? I encourage you to step out in faith today because He will be with you each step of the way!


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