God’s word tells us many times to not worry, to not be anxious, because He knows the broken world in which we reside. He knows what we will face and have to endure. But, He also tells us why it’s important that we do this – to safeguard our hearts and minds. And, thankfully, He also tells us how we can do this.

  • Be still and know God

    Be still and know God

    The life of a Christian is one of getting to know who God is and then, from that context, who we are as revealed in His word. Knowledge of both…

  • Courage to be still and find peace in chaos

    Courage to be still and find peace in chaos

    Be still and know that He is God. I’m learning to be still; to let go and see the majesty of God revealed in my life. I talked about cultivating…

  • Be still and listen

    Be still and listen

    Christ said that His sheep knows His voice. He speaks to us through His word and indwelling Spirit. What a gift! But, do we spend the time listening to and…

  • Living a Fruitful Life, Part 1

    Living a Fruitful Life, Part 1

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to an abundant and fruitful life. What does it mean to lead a fruitful life and how is that accomplished? Over the…

  • All Things Beautiful

    All Things Beautiful

    If you’re following me over on Instagram, then you know that I’ve been journaling through the monthly devotional kits by Illustrated Faith for a number of years now. The one…

  • Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    And so, I begin again. I first started blogging in 2019. I had a website called Hey Sister through which I shared what God was teaching me with the hope…