
Seasons of change

It’s that time of year again. Fall – my favourite season.

The mornings are misty and mysterious. The air has a chill to it now, inviting comfy layers and cozy drinks. The leaves are changing colour; painting a landscape that makes me stop to marvel. I just love this time of year!

Yet, at the same time, this change of season usually makes me apprehensive. I approach it timidly, like a deer, cautious and checking for signs of danger. That’s because I always go through a major life change in the Fall. These changes are all for the good, ultimately. It’s that in-between period of transition that’s so uncomfortable. I talked more about this last year, here and then here, when our kids had a brief stint at public school virtual learning.

This year, though, I was really looking forward to Fall! Maybe that’s because we had just moved in July and I thought that was enough excitement for the year. No more major change to come. So naive.

A few weeks ago, all the balls I was juggling became too much and my act came to a halt. I was overwhelmed, again. Couldn’t get all the things done, again. I mean, there’s a time to overcome and that’s usually my attitude. But then there’s a time to pause to reflect and realign. In doing the latter, it became clear that I was not living according to my values of slow, simple, intentional living, and something had to give.

A dear friend reminded me that when we learn something from God’s word, He follows that with an opportunity to practice that thing. When we pray for something, within His will, He follows that with instructions for the next steps to that thing. Sometimes, those opportunities and instructions are easy to miss because I confuse them for trials, struggles and suffering.

With this in mind, I looked to God in prayer and He reminded me of what I prayed for back in August. To be a focused mother. To be responsible and diligent with raising my kids while they are still at home under my care.

He also put a question on my heart: if this was your last month of life, how would you live it?

Well,.. I would put aside those non-essential things I was doing and focus on what matters most. I would simplify to live fully.

Once I acknowledged this, I sought His leading in making this happen. He instructed me to put aside some components of Hey Sister, for a season, in order to focus on discipling the kids and serving the local church. The Etsy shop is now closed. The YouTube channel is paused. I will still write on this blog, which is where Hey Sister started, but it will be whenever I can.

I have to admit that it was difficult to let go. It’s hard to walk away from something that I consider to be “good”. Something that I have been working on for years and haven’t fully realized, “succeeded” at, or accomplished.

But I know that God’s definition of success differs from mine. I also know that He prepares the work and gives us the will and desire to do it. And, I know that He calls us to simply be faithful to go where He leads.

So now, it’s on to the next adventure. I take such comfort in trusting that He knows infinitely more than I do and that He is always leading me to what’s best.

What adventure is He calling you to? Be encouraged to know that He goes with you and leads the way.


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