Happy New Year, friends! I hope the year is starting as you need. As for me, it has felt overwhelming at times. It has been busier than usual these past few months. I’ve felt continually overwhelmed; a familiar feeling whenever my day-to-day routines are interrupted, even though what needed doing gets done. I’ve taken on …
Dwell and delight, beloved
Well, it’s another year and time again to pick another focus word. I’ve been choosing a “one little word” each year since 2019 when I came across the concept online. If you’re unaware of what this is all about, it’s essentially choosing a word that frames your intentions for the year. Instead of making resolutions, …
Believe and Flourish
My focus word for the year is Flourish. .. to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favourable environment. Dictionary.com Last year, I chose Grace and turned it into the phrase Bloom in Grace. So, clearly, this idea of growing has been my mindset for a …
New year, purposeful goals
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and your year is off to a great start. Towards the end of December, I mentioned that I was feeling very overwhelmed. I had made a lot of major decisions in the Fall about the kind of life I want to live, but I had …
Bloom in grace
Did you pick a focus word for 2020? Last year my one little word was actually a phrase – Rise and Shine! It was my first year selecting a “One Little Word” and I really liked having a focus to frame all I did that year. So, of course, I planned to choose another word …
Less hustle, more Jesus
What sermon is my life preaching? That’s something I have to pause often to consider and re-evaluate through different seasons. It’s especially important because I have little disciples in my care who are watching and learning. This past November, I finished working through a creative devotional journal by Shanna Noel called 100 Days of Less …