strength for the humble

Strength for the humble

Monday was the first day back to school for us.

As I mentioned last week, our family has been homeschooling for the past four years. However, this year, we enrolled the kids in public school and will be doing online learning. Live lessons with a teacher are estimated to start next week and the kids were provided with self paced lessons this week.

I won’t lie – Monday was exhausting! There is a lot that we all have to learn in terms of technology for virtual learning. I had to help all three of my kids at the same time so I felt like I was in a pinball machine; going here and there and over there, troubleshooting one issue after another. This is just the school part of our day! There’s all the other mom responsibilities with meals, clean-ups, discipline and time outside. It’s certainly a lot and it will take time to get adjusted and form new routines.

Before I started the school day on Monday, I prayed for God’s help because I anticipated a challenge. He led me to Psalm 138 which is titled “A Thankful Heart” in the CSB.

I will give you thanks with all my heart…
On the day I called, you answered me; you increased strength within me…
Though the Lord is exalted, he takes note of the humble…
The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.
Lord, your faithful love endures forever; do not abandon the work of your hands.

Psalm 138 CSB

This was very encouraging to me; this promise that God strengthens us when we’re humble enough to ask. And that what He calls us to do, He will accomplish.

Homeschooling and life at home with kids in general come with its challenges but there is so much joy in it!

We get to see our kids learn and grow before our own eyes.

We’re presented each day with insight into their hearts and how God wants us to lead them.

We have a lot to teach them in terms of academics. However, God has shown me that it’s far more important what they learn from the way we live.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 CSB

I don’t know how long our kids will be learning at home so I want to be very intentional about this time we have together. I want to strengthen our relationships with one another and with God. This mindset has helped me to release unrealistic expectations and to re-define what is a successful day. That’s no longer about how much academic learning was achieved, but that they know God and that they are loved.

One practical thing that I do is I plan something fun into our days. On Monday, we went for a walk after our lessons. Tuesday, we watched a movie. Wednesday is my daughter’s birthday so we’ll bake her a cake together. I’ve left the other days open and we’ll decide together what we can do then.

What do you like best about being at home with kids? What challenges do you face? Count on His promise to strengthen you when you ask!


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